Our Mission

The Portland Rose Society is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including the encouragement, extension, education, improvement, and development of rose culture.

In addition, it will assist the City of Portland in maintaining its position as the “City of Roses.”

When & Where We Meet

Membership meetings are held the last Monday of every month from October to June at the Oaks Park Dance Pavilion. Meetings start at 7:30pm, with a pre-meeting social beginning at 7:00pm.

Find more information about meetings and events here.

2024 - 2025 Board Members


1st Vice President

2nd Vice President:


Membership Secretary:

Recording Secretary:

Mike Humphrey

Kimberly Bown

Dr. Becky Boehne

Katherine Johnson

Cheryl McClain

Janet Rickel

Volunteer Board Members

Advisory Committee: Cheryl McClain & Kathy Schach 

Advisory Committee Chair: Emily Hastings

American Rose Society Liaison: Gretchen Humphrey

Attire: Molly Bauck

Chatter Co-Editors: Dr. Charold Baer & Dr. Rich Baer

Communications: Molly Bauck

Finance Committee: Dr. Charold Baer & Mike Humphrey

Finance Committee Chair: Katherine Johnson

Gold Award Garden Chair: Paul Raab

Hospitality Co-Chairs: Marjorie Foglesong & Sandi Decker

Judges Co-Chairs: Gretchen & Mike Humphrey

Librarian: Kathy Kromm

Members at Large: Shelagh Kaseburg & Shirley Roggen 

Outreach Chair: Judy Fleck

Pacific North West District Liaison: Gretchen Humphrey

Parliamentarian: Dr. Charold Baer

Portland Parks Liaison: Rachel Burlington

Product Sales Consortium: Pat Adams, Jim Foglesong, & Bill Hemmerling

Product Sales Consortium Chair: Bill Hettick

Program Chair: Dr. Charold Baer

Promotions, Publicity, and Planning Committee: Gretchen Humphrey

Properties: Jerry Bauck

Rose Show Clerk Chair: Judy Fleck

Trophy Chair: Dr. Charold Baer 

Webmaster: Natalie Coulter